
Definition D20

A set XX, whose elements we shall call points, is said to be a metric space if with any two points pp and qq of XX there is associated a real number d(p,q)d(p,q), called the distance from pp to qq, such that

  1. d(p,q)>0d(p,q)>0 if p0p\neq0; d(p,p)=0d(p,p)=0;
  2. d(p,q)=d(q,p)d(p,q)=d(q,p);
  3. d(p,q)d(p,r)+d(r,q)d(p,q)\leq d(p,r)+d(r,q), for any rXr\in X.

Any function with these three properties is called a distance function, or a metric.